Josh Marchello


I beleive in Jesus Christ

I was raised as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Religion has always been a core part of my life. I recall during even some of the most difficult times during my childhood that my family would do our best to attend church every Sunday. We weren’t perfect, not even a bit, but thanks to my mother we were consistent. That built a strong foundation of faith for me.

In my teenage years my faith in Christ served as a north star helping me navigate the many decisions and struggles that all youth face. It provided a framework for making decisions that protected me and helped me grow in a way I’m happy with now. In addition to this framework, it provided a community that supported me. I found friends, mentors, and abundant examples in my church. This helped me see other people’s lives and opinions and broadened my perspective. I attribute a lot of the man I am today to those wonderful volunteers and friends.

After high school I chose to serve a full time proselytizing mission for my church. For many young men my age this step is strongly encouraged. I’m grateful that I had a family and leaders that didn’t push me to do anything, but rather allowed me to choose for myself. I chose to serve because I wanted to, not because I was pressured to.

I lived in the southern regions of Spain for two years teaching people about Jesus Christ and baptizing those willing to make promises to God. It was one of the most formative and wonderful times of my life. It was also hard work and full of experiences that stretched me.

During my time as a missionary I grew rigid in my beliefs as I relied on the highly structured rules of missionary life to guide me. I developed an unhealthy relationship with the “rules” of my religion and lost focus of what truly mattered. God looked out for me though, as I was often paired with other missionaries with a more “loose” relationship with the rules, focusing more on Jesus Christ and the people we served. They helped balance me out and were some of my dearest and most memorable companions.

After returning home from my mission I pursued a bachelor’s degree at a Brigham Young University - Idaho a school owned and operated by my church. Between my first and second semester I married my wife in the Kansas City LDS Temple. We were sealed together for our mortal lives and for eternity afterwards. This was one of the single most important and best decisions I made in my life. I adore my wife even now, 12 years later, and know she has helped me grow into the man I am today.

As we attended college together we learned and grew together. We worked to get our footing as a newly married couple and again had many wonderful examples and friends to help and support us. I often feel this kind of community support is hard to find in modern society, so I am grateful to God that we were privileged to have such support.

After a couple years of marriage we had our first child. Then we graduated, moved back to Kansas, and continued to grow our family. We now have 5 children. As the years have passed my faith has waxed and waned. The struggles and stresses of life wear on us all and provide ample opportunity to move closer or further from God. I’ve done both over the years, but always feel better during the times I move closer.

I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that we lived before this life and will continue to live after it. We came to this mortal experience to gain bodies, to learn what it is to feel sorrow and joy, to learn how to make choices and wield agency in a life where both good and evil are available. Christ, The Son of God, working in perfect harmony with our Heavenly Father came to the earth and paid the price for us so that we may re-enter our heavenly home after living imperfect, but educational, lives. In the Garden of Gethsemane He suffered every pain and sorrow a person may experience, something He could only do because He was the Son of God, so that he may have perfect empathy for us. The result of His suffering and death is that we can turn to Him for both comfort and redemption.

I have asked God if what I believe is true, and by the power of the Holy Ghost I have felt His response that it is. He will answer you too, if you ask.